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The Virgin Marketer: Create Your Market Plan

5th Edition

by Noel Capon

Collections: Marketing, Textbooks

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The Virgin Marketer: Create Your Market Plan (5th Edition) is a companion volume to Managing Marketing in the 21st Century and Capon’s Marketing Framework. While studying these textbooks, you will gain valuable insights into marketing. However, no matter how much effort you put into learning from them, and how well we present the material, this is only the beginning. To truly embrace the marketing philosophy, you need hands-on experience. That is the purpose of The Virgin Marketer.

The material in The Virgin Marketer has a long history, with many well-known domestic and multinational firms using its frameworks to create actionable market plans. Best of luck as you develop market plans for your organizations.


ISBN (View all)
List Price
$ 79.70 USD
8.5 x 11.0 in
138 pages
Year Published


I adopted The Virgin Marketer (TVM) as a supplement for my online MBA Marketing Strategy course. TVM was tremendously helpful for me and my students. TVM complements Capon’s Marketing Framework (and Managing Marketing in the 21st Century) nicely; the exercises provided my students with an opportunity to apply the frameworks to their own case studies. I selected The Virgin Marketer questions that best suited my approach to the course—they were clearly written and well-tested. I used some items for weekly team assignments, so we could see how the pieces fit together. I used other items for online group discussions. The Virgin Marketer is a great no-nonsense supplement—just thoughtful exercises. By the end of the course, students really saw how all the various frameworks work together. We traveled from insight and analysis through segmentation and positioning, and then to implementation.

Colleen Collins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Marketing, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University